Kuromame Kinako (Black Soybean Flour), 2.46 oz
Once you taste a bit of Kinako on top of mochi or ice cream or baked in a cookie or piece of candy, you'll want to stock up on this special soybean flour! Many soybean flours are made from the common beige-colored soybeans, but this premium brand is made from 100% black soybeans. The larger soybeans are also a bit healthier and sweeter--this Kinako flour delivers a slightly sweet taste somewhat akin to peanut butter. It is a popular topping for desserts in Japan, and can also be used to make many baked goods and candies. Try adding it to buttered toast, yogurt, and other foods!
Soybean flour is a slightly sweet flour made from toasted and crushed soybeans. The flour is a healthier and low-carb alternative to regular flour, making it a good choice for those who need to avoid starchy foods or are on a low-carb diet. It is a popular topping for dessert, and the versatile flour is also used to make everything from cookies, cakes, pastries, and assorted candies and confectionery. It can also be mixed into milk, fruit smoothies, or other healthy drinks, as it contains many vitamins and minerals.
Black Soybean.